💿Installation Guide

Flashing RP2040 with TurtlPass Firmware

1. INSTALL and setup arduino-cli

Run the script 1-click-setup.sh to install automatically the arduino-cli, RP2040 boards, and all the libraries required.

$ ./1-click-setup.sh

2. SEED generation

Run the script generate-seed.sh to generate your unique seed on your local machine. The output file Seed.cpp will be added to your codebase.

$ ./generate-seed.sh

Make sure you delete turtlpass-firmware/Seed.cpp file once you're done with all the steps!

3. BUILD your custom TurtlPass Firmware

Run one of the following commands to compile the firmware to your RP2040 board:

Option A: If you have a touch sensor TTP-223 wired to the PIN 2
arduino-cli compile --clean \
--fqbn "rp2040:rp2040:generic" \
--output-dir ../turtlpass-firmware/build/ \
--build-property "build.extra_flags=\"-D__TURTLPASS_VERSION__=\"2.1.0\"\"" \
--build-property "build.extra_flags=\"-D__TURTLPASS_PIN_TTP223__=2\"" \
Option B: If you don't have a touch sensor TTP-223, fallback to built-in BOOTSEL button
arduino-cli compile --clean \
--fqbn "rp2040:rp2040:generic" \
--output-dir ../turtlpass-firmware/build/ \
--build-property "build.extra_flags=\"-D__TURTLPASS_VERSION__=\"2.1.0\"\"" \

4. UPLOAD TurtlPass Firmware to your RP2040 Board

Run the following command to upload the firmware to your RP2040 board:

$ arduino-cli upload --fqbn "rp2040:rp2040:generic" -i ../turtlpass-firmware/build/turtlpass-firmware.ino.bin -p <PORT>

arduino-cli upload \
--fqbn "rp2040:rp2040:generic" \
-i ../turtlpass-firmware/build/turtlpass-firmware.ino.bin \
-p /dev/cu.usbmodem14101

Make sure you delete turtlpass-firmware/build/ directory once you're done!

Last updated